Tuesday, November 20, 2007

RPL testing....

I heard from Dr.G today... so far all things are looking pretty good. My thyroid is a bit out of wack despite being on meds already so I have to see my family dr for an adjustment asap. Dr.G wants to keep a very close eye on things and if we can't get perfect control he will send me to yet another specialist... oh goody :P. My HSG showed that structurally all is fine so that was really good. There are a few results yet to come in so something may crop up but he feels quite positive that there will be nothing... wish I could feel that way. In one way I am happy nothing is wrong and on the other hand it makes things so hard because it means there is no reason for why I lost our babies :(

We have also been given the clearence to start trying again. Jay and I talked and are going to go on our own til at least the new year and then we will look at meds again. I would like to still have the biopsy if Dr.G can ever get a good time because that will tell us if my hormones are allowing a proper lining to buld for an embryo to implant in... guess we will see what happens.


hancock_alisha said...

gl on the rest of your test. i hope he does do that one test for you to put you mind at ease. i know i will never have the answer for my loss and that drives me bannanas! i hope you get pg on your own and that bean sticks with you till full term! gl! i am praying for you and your hb!