Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Its been awhile since I just sat and wrote about the goings on in our lives... guess thats cause nothing has been overly exciting lol

Let's is going really well. I am now trained on all aspects of the front end and really love it. The midnight shifts have been interesting to say the least. I am utterly amazed at the number of people that bring thier YOUNG children shopping in the middle of the night! I am talking like in the range of 2-10.... seriously what are they thinking??? We have an array of shoppers in their jammies which is always entertaining lol. We have the after bar crowd... that can be annoying to pure fun and entertainment. We were told this week that our store along with one in Calgary are going to remain open for the 24 hours through January as well... there is a lot of confusion about who will be working though so I am just sitting back and waiting until a decision is made.

We attended a Candle light memorial tonight with our miscarriage support group. It was just wonderful! The group we attend is fairly small... but the people attending the service was incredible. Many people that no longer feel the need to come to the monthly groups still attend the service... I counted 92 candles lit in memory of babies tonight...just a small fraction of the angels who have been lost. Its really quite overwhelming when you think of it. Its wonderful to have the bond with the other parents and yet so sad at the same time. I feel blessed to have met them one one hand and on the other I wish we were all still strangers. I will never understand why I lost my babies.... I jsut have to trust there is some sort of higher power with a plan that is meant to guide me through this journey.

My counselling is going really well. My therapist thinks I am making great strides. All I can say is its been one hell of a journey and we are only a quater way through my sessions! We have done some interesting excersises that have given me so much insight into myself and the dynamics of the family. My latest "assignment" is to start a gratitude journal... she wants me to write 3 things each night that I am grateful for. .. mostly that will be easy but somedays when I get trapped in the dark nasty corners of my brain it wil be a real challenge. Starting in Feb I will be attending a group called Changing Ways. It is targeted for people who have issues with depression and works on skills to help overcome the dark side of things so day to day life can be less overwhelming. It runs for 12 weeks and my therapist is one of the leaders. I think it will be interesting. I am certainly willing to try it out... I figure it certainly can't hurt things and if I can learn skills to stay out of the dark side of my brain I will be thrilled.

I guess thats about it. I am sooooooo looking forward to Christmas this year! I can't wait to be home with everyone and to see the wonder adn excitment in the kids eyes! I plan on making a montage once I get back so stayed tuned for that ;)

It's beginning to smell alot like Christmas......

Mmmm our house sure smell good tonight. Got my annual baking done .... yum yum yum

Tried a new recipe for Candy Cane cake...


A few sugar cookies to give away. I am so excited to be making more with the Hannah, Sara, Jayda and Noah on Christmas eve :)

Buster sampling the sugar cookies lol

And of course the christmas baking isn't complete without Katy's butter tart squares :)

I made cheesecake brownies to but I don't have a picture of them to share... all I can say is OMG good! I think they will become an annual treat too!

Please don't tell the other dogs.......

...... that I like to cuddle with Cats

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So Spoiled....

I am part of an ornamnet exchange on one of my message boards and got my pkg yesterday... just had to share the pics :)

One for me and Jay

One for our angels :)

And a collection of some of our favorite treats plus a new one.... mocha kit kats! Can't wait to try them out :)

Thanks Lorie... You ROCK :)

Friday, December 07, 2007

What part of Christmas are you.....


christmas quiz


christmas quiz

lol guess we are a good match as a couple ;)

Naughty or Nice.....


Christmas Naughty or Nice List

Naughty or Nice List

Christmas Naughty or Nice List

You are on the The Nice List

After checking the North Pole database we found you had :

1,931 nice entries

685 naughty entries


Christmas Naughty or Nice List

Naughty or Nice List

Christmas Naughty or Nice List

You are on the The Nice List

After checking the North Pole database we found you had :

1,611 nice entries

201 naughty entries

Check your name on the Christmas Naughty or Nice List at

WTH lol how can Jay have so many less entries then me :P Least I made the nice list lol

Time for some Christmas Pics.......

Me and Jay becuase you couldn't have guessed that lol......

Belle.... so not impressed with the christmas collar! She refused to move til we took it off......


One of my all time favorite pictures of Taz

This years tree.....

We went to the craft fair today and were thrilled to find an ornament for Sweetpea to match the ones we bought lost christmas for Peanut and Trouble.....

Our annual ornament.......

YAY finally got a second tree... granted its only about 12 inches tall but none the less I finally got a second tree for all my miniature precious moments ornaments......

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

What will be in your stocking?????

Christmas Stocking

Christmas Stocking

This year in your Christmas stocking you will get :

A Winning Lottery Ticket

Find out what you will get in your Christmas stocking at


Christmas Stocking

Christmas Stocking

This year in your Christmas stocking you will get :

A Bag of Fairy Kisses

Find out what you will get in your Christmas stocking at

Which Reindeer are you?????


Which of Santa's Reindeer are you?

Santas Reindeer


Like Cupid you know how to spread love. You have a place in your heart for everyone and are always there with a hug or a kiss

Find out which of Santa's Reindeer you are at

Fun Quizzes


Which of Santa's Reindeer are you?

Santas Reindeer


Like Comet you are always happy. Nothing seems to get you down and you can always put a smile on people's faces

Find out which of Santa's Reindeer you are at

Fun Quizzes

What's your Grinch Name ????

Mine is.........Miserlygrinch Rascalhead

Jay is.........Grumpymonster Rascalhead

So who are you????