Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year....

Wow how can it be 2008 already... it seems like we entered 2007 just yesterday! Its been quite the year and personally other than a few moments I am very glad to see the year go. am hoping and praying that 2008 will bring many happy memories and god willing a baby or at the bery least a healthly pregnancy. I am hoping that my mental health will do nothing but improve... there will still be a few rough times I am sure but at least I am on the right path. I am hoping for job/ financial stability. Leaving my old job was very nessecary but man the finanical stuggles since have sure beena trial. I will now on Feb 1 if I am one of the few temp staff that will be hired on permanently and if not the job search will begin all over again UGH!

On a positive note I am really looking forward to June and to Katy and Steves wedding... what a celebration it will be! I am looking forward to creating many new memories with the family and with my friends :) And speaking of friends.... last night Jay and I along with our friend Kelleen headed down to see in the new year with the fire works downtown. We had a great time and had a very adventerous ride home on the bus... lol of course we couldn't start the new year off in a quiet way !

Here we are all bundled up and a couple fireworks shots too :)