The last year in Review...
So long 2006....
And not a MINUTE to soon I say !!!!
Its been quite the year begining with my diabetes diagnosis in January. I am happy that things are under control now but holy its been an adventure getting there.
We faced the loss of two babies. I thought after losing Peanut I would lose my mind... and then it happened again 5 months later when we lost Trouble... it didn't seem fair and still doesn't seem fair. I had hoped we would be PG again by now but apparently thats not God's plan for us quite yet... GRRR. I know when the time is right we will have a little one to call our own but as I have said before I want my turn NOW... I am tired of waiting.
On the plus side we welcomed 3 beautiful babies to our family this year. That in itself makes 2006 worthwhile... how can such a blessing not be worth putting up with the rest of the crap! :)
As a couple Jay and I have grown stronger... with the adversity we have faced it could have been disasterous for our young marriage but instead we have triumphed and I am so proud of us for that.
We had lots of fun adventures with each other and with our families. We made memories that will last us a life time!
We said goodbye to Shorty and welcomed Ben and Jerry home and have endless of hours of entertainment with the rest of our furbabies.
I got my promotion at work. And while it challenges me to no end I still love my job and couldn't have picked a better agency to work for.
We bought NEW furniture which was incredibly exciting for us lol. Nothing like getting a good nights sleep on a super comfy bed :) AND eek talk about making one more step to a permanent commitment going into debt together.
All in all this year has been one endless adventure. The good, the bad, the ugly... this journey we call life. Yup 2006 was quite the year... but I am more than ready to welcome 2007 and start fresh with a new attitude and I look forward to many new adventures and memories !
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Posted by Kerri at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 29, 2006
New years resolutions blog style.....
![]() 1) Get a pet pony 2) Eat more cotton candy 3) Travel to Costa Rica 4) Study time travel 5) Get in shape with bowling |
![]() 1) Get a pet pony 2) Eat more Cheetos 3) Travel to Sweden 4) Study fashion design 5) Get in shape with whitewater rafting |
Posted by Kerri at 6:37 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 22, 2006
Its Beginning to smell a lot like Christmas....
WOO HOO the Christmas baking is done :) We had a fun filled night making our goodies and listening to christmas tunes.. boy life sure is better as a couple. It makes the process easier as far as the workload and cleaning up... but its also nice to have the memories and the fun of working together
Didn't we do a good job ;)
I also tried out the electric cookie press that I " inherited" from Lynne this summer :) It actually was pretty easy to use once I figured it out...but I fear a monster may have been created cause now I want to play with it and figure out all the neat things it can do lol. I think they look pretty good...
We also made up butter tart squares ( a must have hey Katy ;) ) and I attempted in making Maple Fudge for the first time... I'll have to let ya know what Steve thinks of it :)
Yawnnnnnn time to crawl into bed and snuggle while we drift off to sleep with dreams of cookies in our heads :)
Posted by Kerri at 12:31 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Open Mouth Insert Foot....
So ever have those moments where its like D'oh can't believe I said that. Well I had one tonight lol. We went to a nativity display at one of the local churches. It was beautiful... over 300 different scenes of all shapes and sizes imaginable. Well we came across this one....
And standing in the middle of a church sanctuary I blurt out..." Oh my God I would so kill to have that set"... well some little old lady looked at me and says " I hardly think you would kill" I wanted to be swallowed up by the earth and what does my husband do but look a the old lady and say " oh don't be so sure she wouldn't kill for one"... SMACK lol It was entertaining at least :P
We also grabbed a few shots of other displays that were neat
There was the lego one... VERY original
Of course one more Precious Moments one...
And then we thought this one was amazing. Its hard to see the details because of the way it was set up but we took a couple different angles. ..
Posted by Kerri at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Hey Cliff.....
We went strolling down Candy Cane Lane tonight and a few yards caught our eye and we thought of you :) So we of course had to take pictures to share :) The of course look better first hand but these shots give ya the basic idea...
Jay and I thought you might have something like this one but we weren't sure...
OMG these reindeer first hand were adorable.. the pic is a litte dark though so you can't see thier goofy faces...
The pic really doesn't do this arch justice... it was so bright and sparkly...
These penguins are quite hidden by the bushes which it too bad because this is the best shot of them we were able to get...
Posted by Kerri at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Well went for my planned PG test yesterday and it was negative. I was actually surprised to hear that this morning. I have had some symptoms but I guess it was me doing it to myself because I wanted to be PG so badly. I hate that my body is still continueing to screw up. I hate that I let myself begin to get excited when I swore I wouldn't do that to myself. I hate that it is so damn hard to get PG. I know in a day or two I will feel better again and be all raring to go... guess I just need a little wallow time :(
Dr.G had said if I didn't get PG this cycle he was putting me back on prometrium and upping my clomid dosage the next time around. God willing the higher dosage works and we will be starting our new year off witha BFP.
Posted by Kerri at 2:25 PM 0 comments
You Are a Tree |
![]() You love every part of the holidays, down to the candy canes and stockings. And you're goofy enough to put a Christmas tree ornament on your tree! |
Woo Hoo...well i'm in the right place to be a snowman lmao
Posted by Kerri at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Oh Christmas Tree....
Well we did it... we conquered the annual task of getting the tree up and OMG it was so hard to not be my mother lol. I remember how she used to sit back and tell us exactly what to do... well I left Jay to the lights while I unpacked the ornaments and every once in awhile I would look up and start to say something and catch myself and stop lol. It gave us a both a good laugh and we had fun remanising about putting up our trees as we were growing up. Its so much fun to be building all these new memories and I can't wait til we have our own kids to begin forming traditions with. Ok heres some pictures of this years art........
The Tree obviously lol
We found the perfect baby angels for Peanut and Trouble
And we just had to buy this one for ourselves... ain't it cute :)
Posted by Kerri at 9:53 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 11, 2006
14 days til christmas....
Holy cow where has the month gone... time just moves WAY to fast these days. We have had a busy week yet again.... and did more shopping too. We are down to one present other than each other left to buy... heck we even have everything wrapped. I don't think I have ever been this far ahead of the game ever lol. We have all the Christmas stuff hauled upstairs and will be doing our decorating tomorrow and the last task is getting the Christmas cards mailed out on Friday. Then of course we need to go buy the stuff for Christmas dinner but thats a whole different ball of wax. I am so used to baking for the whole family but this year I won't be with everyone... hmm maybe I can just send care packages everywhere :) that would actually be fun :)
We did hit the Butterdome craft sale TWICE and of course spent too much money. We hit the fudge booth and WOO HOO they had diabetic fudge... I do have my insulin figured out for regular treats but its nice to just be able to grab a little piece without having to worry and boy is it ever yummy. We also got an ornament for our tree... that will become an annual tradtion :) We also bought the cutest little angels for Peanut and Trouble... just something little to remember their little spirits with at this special time of year and every year.
We had a FANTASTIC time on Friday night at my work party... its great to see all of our families together with all of the clients the staff spend so much time with... really helps to keep everyone connected :) We enjoyed a good music, good times, good food and of course a visit from Santa...
Our latest week ended up with spending time with Lynne, Katy, Steve and and then later on Cliff. As always we love our time spent with family... and thanks to Steve we spent more money we didn't need to when he lured us into the best dollar store in the city lol... oh the pressure to shop. We did get a few new Christmas things and bought the cutest Santa hats for the dogs... they modeled them tonight but we didn't subject them to picture taking YET... that can wait til Christmas day lol.
Finally a big congrats to Drinda and Ed for giving us our first Great-Nephew... welcome to the family Thomas James :) :)
Thats about it for now... one week til testing to see if we are getting our Christmas wish.
Posted by Kerri at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Ewww I don't like Mince meat LOL....
Your Elf Name Is... |
![]() |
Posted by Kerri at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Things you learned this year:
1. That the tough stuff is easier to take with a loving spouse by your side.
2. That faith gets you through the darkest hours
People you met:
1.Dr.Lim- My Diabetes Specialst... thatnks to him I am getting better everyday :)
2. Dr. Gleason... my OB/GYN who made one of the worst experiences in my life a little easier to get through
( this catagorey gets more lol )
3. Jayda... one of my adorable great nieces :)
4. Sara-Lyn... another great niece :)
Things you don’t want to take with you into 2007:
1. My bitterness about my miscarriages
2. My overall sadness about things from my past
Things you want to hold close as you pass into 2007:
1. Jay
2.The beauty of watching my great nieces grow
Things you’re looking forward to in 2007:
1. pregnancy
2. moving to a bigger apartment
Things that were life changing in 2006:
1. My Miscarriages
2. my promotion at work
Things you hope to accomplish by the end of 2007:
1. parenthood
2. Getting a car back on the road
One of my blogging buddies tagged all her readers so now I am tagging mine. I like how the questions make to stop and reflect on the past year :)
Posted by Kerri at 5:49 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 04, 2006
Baby making is becoming a science...
I really didn't think it would be so difficult to have a baby. Theres no sense to it... theres no logic... its one of those things that we have to deal with and in the end I guess all of our struggles will make the pay off all the more worth while... RIGHT?? lol
I saw Dr.G today... note to self to never go to an appointment with him with out shaving my legs first lol. Anyways he checked out my ovaries because the Clomid I am taking can cause cysts and so far so good ... no cysts WOO HOO. If I am not PG then any day now I should be getting a visit from good old AF... but thats ONLY if I ovulated with the current dose of clomid. Now if AF doesn't show then we have a plan... 2 weeks from today I get a PG test done and if its positive well the celebrating can begin if its negative then he will give me the prometrium again and we start a new cycle. He gave me to refills of the clomid at my current does... if I ovulated then we stay on that does... if we have to induce a cycle then he will up my dose. then I see him again the cycle after next.
Its so much to keep track off... and so many days to count to make sure I am doing the right thing at the right time. Its wishing, wondering and hoping. Its trying to convince myself that when its my turn it will be and all will be okay. Its trying to not get my hopes up to much so that I don't end up devestated if I am not PG this time around. Its trying to not over analyze every little sign that could mean pregnancy. Argh its frustrating... I want a baby now; I am tried of waiting! I just want my turn... is it really so much to ask for???
Posted by Kerri at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 02, 2006
So I know I posted earlier but...
LOL I didn't really give an update so here's our excting lives these days. Um me working... Jay hanging out at home. Both of us window shopping.. and then shopping for all of the stuff we planned to buy for gifts this year. This past week we headed out and our first stop was Superstore.. EXCELLENT toy prices there and boy its fun to shop for toys again :). We left Superstore and had to head over to Micheals ( Yes home made gifts for some people again this year ;) ) and Chapters and since it was a nice day and we could see Terra Losa center from the Superstore parking lot we figured it was prolly just as easy to walk as it was to wait around for a bus so off we head. UGH what an adventure that turned out to be... the direct route we saw was not so direct and then we discovered there weren't any sidewalks and had to tromp through the snow.... we had quite the adventure to say the least but it was all fun and after the exercise we decided to treat ourselves to Starbucks lol. Then onward and upward to finish MOST of our shopping. It feels good to say its pretty much done and the couple things we have left to grab we already have planned so its a quick trip to the mall.
The coffee table is craft central right now lol... but can I just say how AWESOME it is to have a hubby thats crafty too! Its great to have the help making gifts and so much fun working together too. We have the Christmas tunes going and we are singing along and having a great old time.
So thats the exicting update... aren't you thrilled lol. In the upcoming days we have a few things going on...the biggest being my OB appointment on Monday afternoon. Dr.G wants to do blood work to see if my dose of Clomid worked causing me to ovulate and will likely do a pregnancy test at the same time just incase... we will also be planning incase the bloodwork comes back that I didn't ovualte with the current dose of Clomid. Once I have results I'll be sure to let everyone know. Then Tuesday-Wednesday I have a 21 ( yes 21) hour shift at work after which I will be going to do our HUGE monthly shop for work... UGH Superstore 2 times in one week is not my idea of a good time( we went for ourselves today)... lol at least on Wednesday I get paid for it lol. Thursday is year marked to get our tree and house decorated, Friday is my big Christmas party for work, Saturday is the Butterdome Craft Sale, Sunday I plan on dieing on my hours off from work then we end up at next Monday and my team Christmas party for work... at the tail end of an 18 hour shift WOO HOO. Its gonna be a hectic week but for the most part I am looking forward to it :)
We are also going to try somehting new this year... the ETS Light Tour ... lol a great way to see all the pretty Christmas lights around the city without a car. We will have to let you know how that goes too.
Well I guess thats about it for now... unless I think of something later :P
Posted by Kerri at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Ok here's what i got for the
You Are a Self Help Book! |
![]() |
Posted by Jay at 11:59 AM 0 comments
ACK 23 days til Christmas....
Where has the year gone???? We are pretty much finished with Christmas shopping... only 4 small things left to pick up and then we get to shop for each other lol. We decided to have a little fun with the blog and switch the blinkies and background out to Christmas based ones and the song to a fun carole :) We have a few quizzes we will be offering up too so I hope everyone joins us in checking them out... The first one is " What Crappy Christmas Gift Are You" lol. This one is mine... Jay will be along later to add his and to finish updating the blog :)
You Are a Christmas Sweater! |
![]() Over the top, colorful, and totally flashy. You're not afraid to be a little tacky. |
Posted by Kerri at 11:08 AM 0 comments