What we did today....
Monday, October 15, 2007
Posted by Kerri at 10:25 PM 3 comments
October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Rememberance Day....
by Susan Erling

Posted by Kerri at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Made the call I have been avoiding since July.......
and I see Dr.G on the 25th. I feel just ill. I don't want to go but I have to go. I don't want to face it if the tests prove that I will never carry a baby but I have to know and I have to face it. How will I deal with never being able to carry my own baby? How can I take that dream away from Jay?
My counseller has been pushing me to make the appointment. She truly believes I need to move forward with the recurrent loss testing to be able to move forward. She believes its for the best to do the testing. I am choosing to place my trust in her because right now I can't beleive it for myself. I know it can be a simple fix, I know we may get no answers at all, I know we may never be able to do this.
How do I go on if there is no answers? How do I move forward and get pg again and not know why I have failed three other babies? How do I open my heart again?
How do I do it period? What if its a simple fix? What if the fix doesn't work? How will I handle another miscarriage? How many times do we try before our hearts will break to the point of never healing?
How do I move ahead if I am told no babies for me? Yes there are other ways I know that... but its not my dream. I have felt the early presence of a life within me. I have felt the overwhelming love of just a few weeks. I want to feel a life completely grow with in me, I want to hold a new being as they take their first breath and cry and know I am the one who can comfort that cry.
How do I do it? I don't know. I really and truly don't know. I see him on the 25th and we move ahead. I made the appt because I have no refills for my metformin used to treat the PCOS... I had no choice... I had to make the appt. I haven't had a period since my miscarriage... for my health I had to make the appt. I have to have answers whether I am ready to hear them or not... for that I had to make the appt.
No more living in denial...
Posted by Kerri at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 08, 2007
Steak + Turkey = MMM MMM Good Thanksgiving dinner....
Yesterday we headed over to Al's for the day. What a wonderful day! Great weather and realaxation, time with family and friends (including Buster ;D ) and topped off with a fantastic dinner and a fire... who could ask for more :) Al made all the traditional thanksgiving foods and then tossed in steak and grilled peppers... YUMMY! Dessert was enjoyed later by the fire and was pumpkin pie with ice cream, whipped cream and a drizzle of coffee sauce... sooooo delicious! All in all it was a fantastic day.Buster loved being hooked to the clothesline and running the yard all day though he is one sleepy old boy today lol. Jay managed to get a few pictures but we got none of him cause he had the camera all day lol
LOL sticking his tongue out at me

Posted by Kerri at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Posted by Kerri at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 05, 2007
I really felt the need to do something to mark this month and this is what I came with
Posted by Kerri at 5:29 PM 1 comments