Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This week I will take Buster on one walk until he poops.....

LOL quite the title for a post isn't it ;) Yesterday I had my second Change ways session and the focus was setting goals that we can attain so we can start feeling success which leads to mood improvement which leads to depression lifting which leads to reduced chances of severe relapse... you get the idea. In coming up with our goal we worked through six steps based on one of the problems/enjoyable things we came up with last week. Here's how the process works

Step One:
Create a problem list. This is the stuff that feels overwhelming and affects day to day life or that you have simply been avoiding. At the same time write out the things that are pleasureable to you even if it was a long time in the past.

Step Two:
Pick one thing out of your list to work on. For me I picked I need to get back to exercising

Step Three:
Break the problem down into small bits. The anaology used was breaking a boulder into gravel! When working this step be very secific. For me it was what things are exercise. I have swimming, walking, aquasize, the gym. Right now the easiest thing is going for a walk and in the past I have loved to do that but in these last many many months I haven't gone on one pleasurable walk.

Step Four:
Create possibilites for solutions. They all need to be positive. Brainstorm your way through... let the moment just be the thoughts don't have to be sensible. I have lots of options for walking; from extending my walks between bus stops, to walking with Jay to walking Buster

Step Five:
Select an Action. Take one of your possibilities from step four and work with it. Find a positive way to word your goal. In this part I chose to walk Buster

Step Six:

Pare it down and be specific. Be realistic about what you can do right now. The more depressed the smaller the goal. The idea is baby steps so that you create your own successes. If you surpass the goal thats awesome but its far from what is expected at this point. The idea is to not feel or think but to act out the behavior. It doesn't matter how much you hate it or love it while doing it; its jsut geting it done. It can take 2 minutes of the day, it can be 2 hours long. Its all in what you can handle. Be clear in when the goal is over. Eg want to clean the bathroom break it into steps and make one step the goal and thus the goal is complete if you clean the sink. The key is are you 98% you can do it. If not make the goal smaller.

So for me it was walk Buster. Seriously somedays that is way to overwhelming... that was very hard for me to admit but its true. So I had to set a clear end ; while I am quite sure once I get outside with him I will enjoy it and we will walk for a good 20 minutes I also know some days the thought of a 20 minute walk makes me want to curl up and hide. Thats where the pooping came in... lol gave the group a good chuckle. But I picked that because it means that at most I have to go and stand outside the door with him and in the best case senerio we will actually walk for a bit. Good for me and good for him and taking care of him will make me feeling better. I also only picked one time and as time goes on that can increases. I know for right now one time is all I can handle thinking about. Its amazing what a reality check I am getting as I work through this stuff.

There ends week two. I will be sure to post when I have my success :)