The newest additons to our happy little family LOL. We brought Ben and Jerry home on Wednesday and were finally able to get some pictures to share today. They were buddies at the petstore and we didn't have the heart to seperate them lol. We are going to be working at taming them over the days/weeks to come so wish us luck... our first session tonight actually went really well... at one point they both escaped and ran to each other on the floor and had a little chat... we could almost hear them saying "Oh Crap what did we get ourselves into" lol.
I'm Ben...
AW!! They are so handsome!! Growing up we never had any pets other than Parakeets! I always was the on who took care of them. At the pet store they taught me how to trim their feather so they couldnt fly too high. First we had Bluebell...who we had outside in her cage and my brother thought she wouldnt try and fly away if he opened her cage...guess what she did! Then we had Aqua and Amethest for years! They were in love! Amethest died and Aqua lived for 3 molre years afterwards. Then we got shadow and! Those two were a riot. Then I moved out and got a cat...I think the biords almost had a heart attack when they met Minikin for the foirst time! Then I gave the bord to my friend Jess who still has Shadow. Our landlord doesnt want cats oin his aparements anymore so we are going to be giving our ct to a family memeber...I am so thinking of getting parakeets! People think I am weird but they were so much fun!
I have always loved birds :) ANd we have had some for as long as I can remember. These two are proving to be quite enertaining. They have already figured out how to copy the noises our Cockatiel makes and when they do she clams right up lol Plus one of them makes squeaky toy noises... probably from the petstore lol.
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