Our past week......
Well hello out there :) Hope everyone is enjoying these first wonderful weeks of summer :) Jay and I have been busier that all get out but we are having a great time doing it. So heres a run down and a bunch of pictures of what we have been up too since our last post :)
Thursday and Friday we basically hung out at home and did a bunch of cleaning and reorganizing and of course took the time to enjoy our new furniture... it is soooooo comfy :)
Saturday Lynne picked me up at work and we went and hung out at the mall with Jayda :) What a fun afternoon that was :) I had extra fun getting to snuggle up with Jayda and feed her... got to love all her little noises when she eats :). jay spent the morning with cliff getting rid of all of our old furniture and the stuff we just wanted to get rid of... got to love downsizing lol. After my trip to the mall and Jay's furniture hauling we met back at home. We stretch out on the coucha and love seat and we both zonked... oh man are we in trouble lol... this stuff is awesome to sleep on. Woke up and flew around the house to get ready for work lol and out the door I went.
Sunday Lynne and Cliff picked us up and we were off to meet Katy, Steve and Jayda and Dan, Carmen, Hannah and our newest family member Sara-Lyn at the Valley Zoo. We had a fun filled afternoon in the sun and enjoyed looking at all the animals. Of course the best part was seeing our 3 beautiful great nieces :) and spending time with the family :)
Monday I worked overtime woo hoo lol. That evening we BBQ'd some burgers and then headed out to the Legislative grounds to walk around. We spent time sitting with out feet in one of the many wading areas and dreamed about the days to come when we will be able to bring our kids down to play in the water :) We both also love looking at the various flowers on the grounds :)
Tuesday dawned super hot so we decided to hit an outdoor pool. We had a great afternoon... though Jay is sunburned :( We just had a relaxed evening last night and enjoyed being at home lol
Finally today we headed downtown to the Works Festival. We walked around downtown on the hunt for Tim Hortons so Jay could get an ice cap then back down to city hall to enjoy wading in the fountian and to check out the various vendors on display.
....and theres our tootsies,LOL
WHEW... what a week lol. But such an awesome one. Well off to BBQ some chicken then fly out the door to work... the time just goes to fast these days :) And what have you all been up to?????
Wow you sure have been busy bees!!!!! Your great neices are adorable!!!!
Thanks Lindsy! I think they are pretty darn adorable too :) I can't wait til this weekend when I get to see them all again :)
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