Thursday, January 04, 2007

Resolution Check In...

Well a few days in and yay us. So far so good we are staying on track with our plan to eat healthier. It was a VERY long day yesterday and it would have been sooooo simple to just stop and grab some crappy food but we resisted. We instead stopped at M&M and bought a quick to prepare but healthy supper and felt good about it after.

I have joined efforts with a few of my online buddies and that has been great motivation. As part of that I am logging my food and I am either staying on the low side of what my dietician wants me to eat... or not meeting the minimum's. I am gonna have to make an effort to plan better and get some snacks in to make sure I am eating what I need to... not enough isn't perfect but hey its still way better than over eating.


Ladiebug said...

I am the same way....I need to plan ahead. When I get to the point of being really really hungry I grab whatever I can and shove it in. We have been sick (fever,sore thorats and stuffy noses) so eating hasnt been #1 onmy list. Tonight I we were feeling a bit better so we went out with some friends to Olive Garden...I was so god. I got the salad w/ dressing on the side, has them bring a box with my meal and ate 1/4 of it and allowed myself 1 bread stick and ate 2. I dotn feel bad at all about that though. I told myself this before we left....making a plan really does work!

Anonymous said...

Way to go - keep up the work. We are also trying to stay away from fast-food. It isn't really that easy but we are trying! The effort will pay off:)