So what are your resolutions? Jay and I are mostly working on joint goals for the upcoming year. We want to build on what we have already been doing and increase our focus on key areas...
1) Health- Since last January when I was diagnosied with the diabetes we have made lots of changes to our diets. Initally we followed my plan from the dietican to a tee... well we started slipping back into some of our old ways though overall we still were eating much healthier. We are going back to that original plan and we are also going to be investing in the Leisure center monthly passes so we can start hittng the gym and hopefully I can also drag him kicking and screaming to some aquasize classes ;) With getting back to re-emphasizing the diet and excersice I am sure some weight loss will follow...and that will be great but our main purpose is to just be healthier over all and to maintain even tighter control over the diabetes for when I do finally get PG again
2) Money- ah the bain of our existance. Considering we are a single income family we are doing pretty good. However the more we have thought about future Mat Leave time the more we have realized we need to bank some bucks... just to allow me to have more time at home with our future child. So we will be looking at our budget and figure out what we can put aside each month. I think we will also do some side stuff like saving change , returning pop bottles, etc just to boost the totals up without putting money away persay.
3) Organization- Again this has been an ongoing project :) Jay has really helped me par down all the stuff I have packratted away over the years. We want to continue the trend and also go through the mounds of paper we have and actually file it away in an organized easy to use manner.
4) On a personal level I want to seek out counselling. I know I have talked about this lots but I think I am finally ready. My meds have me leveled out and we have made it through the holidays. For the sake of myself and for those around me I want to do this but more importantly I want to do this BEFORE I have a child so that I can be the best parent possible... and I think leaving all my demons behind will certainly help that
So not a ton of stuff... and really things we were already doing. We just want to really refocus ourselves and make 2007 an even better year :)
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