Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Our past week......

Well hello out there :) Hope everyone is enjoying these first wonderful weeks of summer :) Jay and I have been busier that all get out but we are having a great time doing it. So heres a run down and a bunch of pictures of what we have been up too since our last post :)

Thursday and Friday we basically hung out at home and did a bunch of cleaning and reorganizing and of course took the time to enjoy our new furniture... it is soooooo comfy :)

Saturday Lynne picked me up at work and we went and hung out at the mall with Jayda :) What a fun afternoon that was :) I had extra fun getting to snuggle up with Jayda and feed her... got to love all her little noises when she eats :). jay spent the morning with cliff getting rid of all of our old furniture and the stuff we just wanted to get rid of... got to love downsizing lol. After my trip to the mall and Jay's furniture hauling we met back at home. We stretch out on the coucha and love seat and we both zonked... oh man are we in trouble lol... this stuff is awesome to sleep on. Woke up and flew around the house to get ready for work lol and out the door I went.

Sunday Lynne and Cliff picked us up and we were off to meet Katy, Steve and Jayda and Dan, Carmen, Hannah and our newest family member Sara-Lyn at the Valley Zoo. We had a fun filled afternoon in the sun and enjoyed looking at all the animals. Of course the best part was seeing our 3 beautiful great nieces :) and spending time with the family :)

Monday I worked overtime woo hoo lol. That evening we BBQ'd some burgers and then headed out to the Legislative grounds to walk around. We spent time sitting with out feet in one of the many wading areas and dreamed about the days to come when we will be able to bring our kids down to play in the water :) We both also love looking at the various flowers on the grounds :)

Tuesday dawned super hot so we decided to hit an outdoor pool. We had a great afternoon... though Jay is sunburned :( We just had a relaxed evening last night and enjoyed being at home lol

Finally today we headed downtown to the Works Festival. We walked around downtown on the hunt for Tim Hortons so Jay could get an ice cap then back down to city hall to enjoy wading in the fountian and to check out the various vendors on display.

....and theres our tootsies,LOL

WHEW... what a week lol. But such an awesome one. Well off to BBQ some chicken then fly out the door to work... the time just goes to fast these days :) And what have you all been up to?????

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Look what we bought....
For the first time in my life I actually own new furniture WOO HOO. Jay and I finally bit the bullet and bought new living room stuff... no more handy me downs... at least not in that corner of the room lol. It was an adventure to say the least. We had originally picked other stuff and when they tried to deliver it on Saturday it was too big to fit in the elevator or stairwell... ain't that just the luck. So back to the store we went and we decided to go with our original second choice. Its so grown up looking lol and its very comfy. We just have to investigate if we can scotchguard faux suede... becasue knowing us we will spill in to time ACK lol. Anyways here's the pics....


Love Seat

Coffee table( we bought the matching endtables too)

Check out the storage in the coffee table WOO HOO

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Planning for that next BFP...

I got a call from my OB tonight to give me lab results and make a plan of action. The call went as follows.
1) I definately have PCOS. Not a shock but nice to have it offical with all the speculation over the last few months. he said my Progestrone is pretty much non existent.. woo hoo but hes not worried about that because it can be fixed

2) he wants me to continue with the 1000mg of Met for now and see how my levels go and if my body kick starts itself like it did before

3) if I don't have AF she her ugly face within a month from now he wants me to go in to my family Dr for a PG test then follow up with him for a) prenatal care if its a BFP or b) going in to arrange further tests and medication to bring AF on

4) we talked about temping. he personally doesn't see the benefits of it when it comes to PCOS and finds it stresses his patients out and feels I shouldn't bother and just let nature take its course. he thinks that there are too many environmental factors that can cause the temp fluctuations and the post O rise is to late to BD anyways... so basically don't temp and just have fun with my hubby he said. He did agree that checking CM isn't abad idea but again not a 100% sign adn can again cause stress

When I think back the Met at 1000mg and no temping and just letting things be is what got my PG the first time so I think I am going to do that again. Its been a pain temping anyways between work and home.. esp when my sleep schedule can get so messed at work.

I do feel better after talking to him and the DR that called tonight is the one I met in the hospitial... not the jerk I saw at my appointment after my miscarriage... even though it was the same man lol. Its wonderful to have a clear plan of action and when I think of the time lines when we got PG with PG it is possible that we could have a BFP for my birthday if not Jays... wouldn't that just be great!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Share your love story....
A member on one of the boards I belong to has started up a new blog. She is looking to share stories of love from all around the world. Jay and I sent ours in today and I encourage everyone to join us. Go check out How I met... and email Christina your love story :)

Happy Birthday Taz..... Yet another birthday for the furbabies lol. Taz turns 9 today... or rather one day this week we just picked today for his birthday because no one knows for sure when he made his appearance in the world. He was born out on my BIL's land and found by my niece when he was a few weeks old. His scrawny little butt( I wish I could show you a pic of his big bat ears lol) combined with my nieces crocodile tears and "but Auntie Kerri he'll die" helped him find a cushy life lol. As you can see by his pic he doesn't get to stressed about much lol

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Just have to share....
I made the BEST rice tonight for supper lol. The other night Jay and I were watching some home improvement show on TV and they suggested a new way to cook rice to make it simpler. Well we tried it and woo hoo does it ever work. You use long grain rice but instead of boiling then letting it steam you add extra water and cook it as thought it was pasta then drain the extra water. It cooked up faster, fluffier and tastier than any other time I think I have made rice. Why can't cooking always be that easy?????

Monday, June 05, 2006

Oh our aching feet.......

So it is another beautiful day out and we decided to head out and enjoy the warm summer sun. We took the bus down to the river valley found a nice picnic spot overlooking the river then headed out on a trail walk. I have lived in the city forever and have been to Fort Edmonton Park more times than I can count... yet I have never been on the trail we walked today. It was so pretty and peaceful we saw hardly anyone... not to mention we got some great exercise doing a huge loop that involved its fair share of hills. We snapped a few pictures as we always do now when we are out adventuring lol.....

One of the bridges we walked across

Wild Roses- Albertas Provicial Flower

View of the trail we were walking on

Shot of the River Valley

If you look close you can see a squrriel :P He sure gave us a piece of his mind lol

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Breakfast in bed ...

...Teddi Style

Jay and I always laugh at Teddi when she settles in to eat and he finally got a picture of her... not many dogs laydown and relax while chowing down... but it certainly is Teddi's style lol. We think its probably becasue of her age and the arthritis in her hips combined with a little... no a lot of laziness in her old age.... no matter the reason its cute and uniquely her lol :)

Friday, June 02, 2006


The newest additons to our happy little family LOL. We brought Ben and Jerry home on Wednesday and were finally able to get some pictures to share today. They were buddies at the petstore and we didn't have the heart to seperate them lol. We are going to be working at taming them over the days/weeks to come so wish us luck... our first session tonight actually went really well... at one point they both escaped and ran to each other on the floor and had a little chat... we could almost hear them saying "Oh Crap what did we get ourselves into" lol.
I'm Ben...


....I'm Jerry