Saturday, February 24, 2007

Real friends send chocolate and H.P.T's

So I have a really good online friend named Melissa and today I went and picked up a goody pack from her :) We were chatting one day on our message board about the different chocolate bars here vs the states and I was quite jealous about some of the goodies that everyone else was talking about so Melissa said she would send some. And boy did she! I about died and went to heaven when I saw all the goodies and Jay is super excited about getting two big boxes of Dots.... one of his favorite treats from home. As a bonus she also sent some HPT's... all my TTC buddies are always dieing for me to P.O.A.S ( pee on a stick) but they are sooo freaking expensive here I rarely give in... so now I can :) :) I am already madly in love with the Peanut Butter Twix she sent. Jay said so what happens when they are gone... and I said I think I will have to cry lol.

Heres a snapshot of our goodies...

Thanks Melissa..... YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!