Saturday, October 21, 2006

Getting rid of the crazies...

or at least I am hoping to. I think the meds are really starting to kick in now and that sure is making a difference in my whole thought process... but at the same time I am having so many different thoughts surfacing.

I talked to Lynne last night for nearly two hours trying to sort out memories of the various homes we lived in growing up. Some I have right, some I have mixed up, some I don't remember at all. It really bugs the crap out of me to say the least... but hey I am sure it will come in time our with counselling... at least I can hope it will.

More and more I am coming to realize how much... way too much... of my childhood and the childhoods of all my siblings was simply NOT OK. I love my parents... that will never change but boy did they make some seriously bad decisons... but out of respect for them and my family I will not discuss them in detail. I am so thankful for Lynne at this point. I know I am going to need professional help to get through this... but her support is going to be instumental I am sure.